Ease of Scheduling: Very easy to contact her and set up an appointment Location Description: Orlando hotel where she has her in call located Amenities (if any): Detailed Session Description: Typical two call system and LE check for her safety. When I entered the room I was met by a gorgeous lady with black hair, pretty black dress and a smile and shining eyes that just entices you and puts you at ease. She is a lot more than than her picture shows but that just highlights her face even more. She has a soft sexy voice that is comforting during the visit. She had me lay down on the massage table she has there and she began the massage just the way I asked for. She has very soft skin and hands and I love how she uses her finger nail tips at the right times and places. As the massage continued she massaged up mu thighs and spent plenty of time on the boys, Then she asked me to flip and when I did she was there standing in all her glory.